The works of our workshop were presented on 20 international authoritative professional platforms and were awarded 10 international awards and prizes.

Moscow branch of the International Academy of Architecture (IAAM)
The founder and chief project architect of the Ithaka – architecture and design, doctor of architecture Telemak Albert Ananyan, by a unanimous decision of the academic council of the Moscow branch of the International Academy of Architecture (IAAM), was apointed professor of IAAM.
Moscow 2021
The International Academy of Architecture – a non-profit-making company for performing activities for private benefit (IAA, Bulgarian: Международная архитектурна академия) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization with special status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC), located in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Diploma of Union of Architects of Russia Multifunctional center in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, Komitas ave 49/9 Architects: Telemak Ananyan, Hayk Martirosyan Architectural studio: “ITHAKE 999” LLC Client, investor: “Hayk88” LLC

Yerevan Architecture Biennale 2014
Armenia, Yerevan, National Museum Institute of Architecture
6 october – 6 november 2014
“Arshil Gorky” Medal of the RA Ministry of Diaspora
General information
Competition-exhibition of Armenian architects from
Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora, organized by RA Ministry of Urban Development.
Within the frames of the Yerevan Biennale 2014 “ITHAKA – Architecture & Design” studio will present the following project:
• Revitalization of the stadium “Spartak” in the historical center of Yaroslavl
Parametric design| International competition project
• Sports and Entertainment Center in Kaluga Concept development
• Armenian Embassy in Belarus
• Concept Construction Design of Shahumyan Square in Yerevan, Armenia
• “Zodchestvo” House
Geometric abstraction in architecture | International competition project
“Local Utopia in the Global Dystopia” Festival “Zodchestvo 2010”
• Reconstruction of Ramses Square in Cairo, Egypt
Urban Development Competition| International competition project
• Landscape Design
Landscape design, small objects | Concepts and realised projects
• Interior Architecture
Private houses and apartments | Concepts and realised projects
“Arshil Gorky” Medal of the RA Ministry of Diaspora is granted for disseminating fine arts, painting, sculpture and drawing,
achieving success in the sphere, disseminating and raising awareness of Armenian arts in the Diaspora and
making great contributions to the development of Armenia-Diaspora partnership through activities.

XXI International Festival “Zodchestvo – 2013”
“Gostiny Dvor” exhibition hall, Moscow
23-24 December, 2013
Union of Architects of Russia
General information
Festival Topic:
National Landscape
Festival Location and date:
“Gostiny Dvor” exhibition hall, 23-24 December, 2013
Festival Sponsors:
Administration of the President of Russian Federation, Federation Council and State Duma of Federal Assembly of RF, Ministry of Regional Development of RF, Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, Administration of Moscow, NGOs and business groups of the country.
Festival Official Web Site:
“ITHAKA” studio presented in particular:
• Revitalization of the stadium “Spartak” in the historical center of Yaroslavl
Parametric architecture experiance| International Competitive Project
• Sports and Entertainment Center
Fifth facade | Concept development
• St. Targmanchats (Holy Translators) Church
Didactic Architecture | International Competitive Project
• Banquette Hall in “Arax” Restaurant in Moscow
A modern interpretation of the traditional Armenian refectory interiors | Project proposal
• Reconstruction of “Pushkinsky” Cinema
Interactive architecture, dynamic facade | International Competitive Project (“Change the Face”)
• “Zodchestvo” House
Geometric abstraction in architecture | International Competitive Project (“Local Utopia in the Global Dystopia” Festival “Zodchestvo 2010”)
• Transport interchange of Ramses Square in Cairo, Egypt
Innovative transport intersection| International Competitive Project
• Landscape Design
Territory implementation, small architectural forms | Concept proposals, implemented projects
• Interior architecture
Private houses, penthouses and apartments | Project proposals and implemented projects Group International Contest of Architecture and Design Projects “Bathroom: hidden possibilities”
17 December – 10 May 2013
General information
“ITHAKA” studio presented in particular:
“The harmony of stone and wood”
The project was one of the finalists.

International specialized exhibition “CAUCASUS BUILDING AND RECONSTRUCTION”
“Yerevan EXPO” exhibition complex
29-31 March 2013
LOGOS EXPO Centre, Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Republic of Armenia by the support of the Government of Republic of Armenia

Russian Competition “Glass in Architecture” – Bronze Diploma!
Moscow, “Expocentre” Fairgrounds
14 – 16 June 2012
Bronze Diploma! “The best solution of interiors and elements of buildings” “Projects” category. Special Prize – a Trophy From a Partner of the Competition!
General information
Exhibition description:
Exhibition-competition of projects of glass and translucent designs of organized by the Union of Architects of Russia.
The “ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio was represented by the following project:
St. Targmanchats Church (Holy Translators) in Yerevan
The project was also awarded with a special prize from the partners of exhibition.
Exhibition-competition website:

The Second Russian Competition “Glass in Architecture”
Moscow, The Moscow Architectural Institute
23 – 24 april 2012
Shortlisted in the “The best decisions of interiors and elements of buildings” category!
General information
Exhibition descrition:
Exhibition-competition of projects with glass and translucent designs, organized by the Union of Architects of Russia.
The “ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio was represented by the following project:
St. Targmanchats Church (Holy Translators) in Yerevan
The project was shortlisted in “The best decisions of interiors and elements of buildings” category.
Exhibition-competition website:

Exhibition of St.Targmanchats Church Competition Projects
Armenia, Yerevan, “Ayb High School”
23 – 24 april 2012
General information
Exhibition description:
The “ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio was represented by the following project:
St. Targmanchats Church (Holy Translators) in Yerevan

Yerevan Architecture Biennale 2011
Armenian National Museum-Institute of Architecture
November 16-18, 2011
1st Category Diploma!
General information
Exhibition description:
Competition-exhibition of Armenian architects from Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora, organized by RA Ministry of Urban Development.
Within the frames of the Yerevan Biennale 2011 “ITHAKA – Architecture & Design” studio will present the following project:
Interior architecture of a Feasts hall of “Arax” restaurant – 1st category Diploma
(former “Aragvi” restaurant), Moscow, Russia

World Architecture Festival “WAF”
Kingdom of Spain, Barcelona, Exhibition Centre CCIB (Centro de Convenciones Internacionales de Barcelona), Rambla Prim, 1-17
November 2-4, 2011
Shortlisted in the House Category!
General information
Festival description:
World Architecture Festival is the world’s largest, live, truly inclusive and interactive global architectural exhibition. It is a unique meeting point for architects, suppliers and clients, attracting hundreds of entries and visitors from all over the world.
Within the frames of the WAF “ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio will present the following projects:
- “Zodchestvo” House – Optical Dystopia, shortlisted project
- Reconstruction of “Pushkin” cinema – Dynamic Skinning
- Reconstruction of Ramses Square in Cairo (Egypt) – Innovative Transport Interchange
WAF website:

World Festival of Interiors
Kingdom of Spain, Barcelona, Exhibition Center CCIB (Centro de Convenciones Internacionales de Barcelona), Rambla Prim, 1-17
November 2-4, 2011
General information
Festival description:
INSIDE World Festival of Interiors is the world’s largest, live, truly inclusive and interactive design exhibition. It is a unique meeting point for architects, designers, suppliers and clients, attracting hundreds of entries and visitors from all over the world.
Within the frames of the INSIDE World Festival of Interiors “ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio will present the following project:
Hotel Interiors of “SKOLKOVO” Moscow School of Management – Suprematism in Interior
INSIDE Festival website:

II International Architecture & Construction Exhibition “Beautiful Houses”
Crocus Expo IEC, pavilion №2, Trade and exhibition complex, 65-66 km Moscow Ring Road, Moscow area, Krasnogorsk.
October 26-29, 2011
Union of Architects of Russia Diploma!
General information
Exhibition description:
The exhibition is organised by Media Exhibition Holding – “Beautiful Houses” – WEG, which combines four branches: architecture, construction, design and technology. It’s a unique place where architects, designers, suppliers and clients can meet each other.
Within the frames of the Exhibition the “ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio was represented by the following projects:
- Residence in Dzoraghbyur – Union of Architects of Russia Diploma for II prize in the nomination “House – ArchObject”; publishing house “Beautiful Houses” Diploma for II prize in the nomination “House – ArchObject”
- Interior of the Residence in Dzoraghbyur
- Starovolinskaya str. Appartment in Moscow – publishing house “Beautiful Houses” together with “Hansa” company Diploma for I prize in the nomination “Interior – ArchObject”
- Residence on Azov coast
- Sun House Project
Exhibition website:

10,000 World Architects Exhibition within the Frames of the 24th World Congress Of Architecture UIA 2011 Tokyo
September 25- October 1, 2011
General information
The 24th World Congress Of Architecture UIA 2011 Tokyo
Exhibition within the frames of the Congress, where “ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio was represented by the following projects:
- “Zodchestvo” house
- Hotel interior architecture of the Moscow School of Managment
- Residence in Dzoraghbyur, Armenia
- Appartment in Moscow, Russia
- A Penthouse in Yerevan, Armenia
- International Competition project for urban design and harmony of Ramses square
- Re – skinning of “Pushkin” Cinema competition project

The Exhibition of Projects of a Business Center with “Intercontinental” Hotel in Yerevan
Yerevan, BC “House of Moscow”
24 – 30 January 2010
“Avangard Motors”, Yerevan City Hall, Union of architects of the Republic of Armenia toghether with RA Ministry of Urban Development, RA Ministry of Diaspora, the International Association of Unions of Architects (IAUA).
General information
International competition
Participation in the exhibition with a concept of a Business Center with “Intercontinental” Hotel in Yerevan.

XVIII International Festival “Zodchestvo 2010”
“Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow
October 15 – 17, 2010
Union of Architects of Russian Federation
General information
Exhibition part: Competition for young architects of the CIS countries “Local Utopia in the Global Dystopia”
Festival subject: “The required. Not to the new, not to the past, but to the required.” Vladimir Tatlin – 125 of age The Festival is supported by: Administration of the President of Russian Federation, Federation Council and State Duma Federal Assembly of RF, Ministry of Regional Development of RF, Government of Moscow, NGO’s and business circles of the country.
Festival website: “ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio was represented by the following projects:
- “Zodchestvo” House – geometric abstraction in the architecture
- Interior Architecture of the Moscow Managment School Skolkovo – suprematism in the interior
- A concept of a Business Center with “Intercontinental” Hotel in Yerevan

The Exhibition of Projects of a Business Center with “Intercontinental” Hotel in the Museum of Architecture, Yerevan
Armenian National Museum-Institute of Architecture, Yerevan
April – June 2010
General information
Exhibition description:
Participation in the exhibition with a concept of a Business Center with “Intercontinental” Hotel in Yerevan.

Roads Arrangement – 2009
International Exhibitions and Conventions EXPOCENTRE MOSCOW
November 17-20, 2009
Union of architects of Russian Federation and Expocentre
General information
Exhibition subjects:
- Bridges, overpasses, tunnels, interchanges, motorways. Investment, technological and technical proposals for the projects realisation.
- Roadside buildings and facilities needed for the motorways arrangement.
- Modern building technologies, technical means and materials for the roadside structures construction.
- Landscape design and garden shapes.
- Environmental arrangement of roads.
“Ithaka – Architecture and Design” was represented by International competition project for Reconstruction of Ramses square in Cairo

XVII International Festival “Zodchestvo 2009” – Bronze Diploma!
“Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow
October 15 – 18, 2009
Bronze Diploma!
Union of Architects of Russian Federation
General information
Exhibition section:
Bureau, studio, workshop
“Creative architecture companies and studios”
Festival subject:
Sustainability Index
The Festival is supported by: Administration of the President of Russian Federation, Federation Council and State Duma Federal Assembly of RF, Ministry of Regional Development of RF, Government of Moscow, NGO’s and business circles of the country.
Festival website:
“ITHAKA – Architecture and Design” studio was represented by the following projects:
- Interior Architecture of the Hotel of Skolkovo Moscow Managment School – suprematism in the interior
- Interior Architecture of the cottage village of Skolkovo Moscow Managment School
- Interior Architecture of the Professors’ Club in Skolkovo Moscow Managment School
- Competition Project of a Business Centre in Primorskiy district of St.Petersburg
- Concept for the J.L.Cafesjian Museum of Contemporary Art in Yerevan
- Interior Architecture of a penthouse in Yerevan
- Residence in Dzoraghbyur village, Armenia
- Interior Architecture of a studio in Yerevan
- Interior Architecture of “Armenia” Store and “Yerevan” Cafe on Pushkin sq., Moscow
- Appartment at “Moskovyan Plaza” Multifunctional Complex in Yerevan

Exhibition for the Projects of The International Competition for Urban Design and Harmony of Ramses Square
Palace of Arts, Gezira Island Cairo
October 14, 2009
Ministry of Culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Exhibition: Architecture by Armenian Architects from Diaspora
RA Government House, Yerevan
21 – 24 April 2009
RA Ministry of Diaspora

Exhibition: Cafesjian Modern Art Museum Projects in Yerevan
Cafesjian Modern Art Museum in “Cascade” Complex
June 2004
Сafesjian Museum Foundation

Open architectural competition «Beautiful Houses – 2011»
Crocus City Expo, Moscow, RF
Union of Architects of Russia

Medal of the RA Ministry of Diaspora
Yerevan, Natonal museum-institute of architecture
6 october – 6 november 2014
RA Ministry of Diaspora

“Investstroy-15” Investment Construction Company

Embassy of RoA in RoB

PR Square Project

“Troika Dialog” Investment Company

MSM “Skolkovo”

Group of Companies “Legion Development”

Ministry of Culture of RoA